We cover all steps of a residential development process, from the market research to the site finding and acquisition, from obtaining planning consent to project managing the development as well as dealing with the post-construction, that includes the selling or renting and asset management phases.
We assess the market demand for a particular type of residential property and we aim at delivering the most attractive products in the most sought after locations across London from time to time.
House conversions into flats
This strategy involves adding volume (through the construction of basement, rear and side extension, loft conversion) to an existing period house and then split it into modern high-end apartments preserving the building’s façade.
Land Developments/New Build
This strategy involves acquiring land or other types of commercial sites with planning permission (or that are likely to get planning permission) and the demolition and construction of a brand-new block of apartments.
Commercial conversions into flats
This strategy involves the conversion of existing commercial or office buildings into residential units, via the permitted development schemes allowing this change of use, as for the planning regulations of the time.
We carry out an in-depth development appraisal and a conservative risk analysis so that all our projects deliver a minimum profit of 20% on Gross Development Value (GDV).
We carry out a thorough market analysis and we pay careful attention to the property cycle, so that every scheme is the most profitable as possible and with the lower level of risk involved.
Minimum Profit on GDV
ROI (Return on Investment)
We assess the market demand for a particular type of residential property and we aim at delivering the most attractive products in the most sought after locations across London from time to time.